Box Elder High School hosted the first Montana Media Lab News Literacy and Digital Storytelling workshop of the summer.
Box Elder students made two videos about their community. One focused on the new school garden—Bear Nation Garden. They got footage of the garden intern planting seedlings and pulling weeds. Their reporting took them to the local convenience store, the school cafeteria, and the Rocky Boy Health Center. Watch the video here:
Other students pursued a story about the role basketball plays in the Box Elder community. They interviewed basketball star and Box Elder graduate Brandon The Boy. Student reporters shot footage of kids playing basketball on the playground.
A Box Elder student created a digital image for the opening page of the garden video. Another composed the music featured in the videos.
Watch the video here:
The news literacy and digital storytelling projects were made possible by support from a Hearst Literacy Grant and the Greater Montana Foundation.
Are you interested in hosting a Montana Media Lab News Literacy and Digital storytelling workshop at your school? Contact us here.